Corporate Governance

Corporate governance is one of the keys to CSR. PLANET believes that integrity is the fundamental to business. It is also disciplined in operational and financial management and abide by all laws and regulations. Our employees adhere to the established corporate governance principles and code of ethics. Honorably, PLANET passed the “Corporate Governance System Evaluation Certification” for the third consecutive time in 2012. It also has received "A" ranking in “Information Transparency and Disclosure Ranking System” in Taiwan since 2009.

The Company’s rules of corporate governance:
Builds an effective and complete corporate governance framework
Protects shareholders' interests
Enhances the functions of the board of directors
Effective management by the supervisors
Respects the interests of engaged parties
Enhances information disclosure

Corporate Governance Framework

Risk Management
PLANET has developed a systematic and integrated approach to identify and manage risks appropriately throughout the company. PLANET has a comprehensive internal control and audit system to help minimize different risk exposure.

PLANET has a Risk Management Committee, led by the CEO, to ensure proper risk control, encompassing public policy, business operation and financial management.